Atehya RivardWhen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is not carving down the line of a barreling wave, he can be found paddling around the streets of Talent on his long board, heroically spreading the message of the TNR.
Originally from upstate New York, Ron made his way west much like the folks on the original Oregon Trail—in search of riches and adventure.
The biggest adventure he's found himself in so far: raising his baby daughter, Atehya, who was born on November 8, 2011.
Next time you have a question about the Talent News & Review, give Ron a call...he'll paddle over and make you feel like you're part of the family.
The first issue of the Talent News & Review arrived in Talentians' mailboxes back in April of 2008. Over 50 issues later, "TNR" is a household acronym, up there with ESPN, NBC, PETA and NPR.
Mailing out about 4300 copies once a month, Talent is the smallest in the Sneak Preview family, but don't let its size fool you. It's a true community paper, featuring the City's monthly newsletter—The Flash and Camelot Theatre's Round Table.
Our community profiles, business features, Calendar of Events, and the monthly Word on the Street columns help keep this publication local and timely...and on every coffee table in town!